Artis research
Martin Schoeller was born in Munich, Germany, in 1968. He began his career as a photographer by assisting Annie Leibovitz from 1993 to 1996. After his departure, he focused on his freelance career by shooting portraits of people he met on the street, which attracted widespread recognition.Martin’s print and motion work has appeared in many major advertising campaigns ranging from pharmaceuticals, cars and entertainment. His work has won many awards, but most recently he received praise for his Colin Kaepernick image in Nike’s “Just do it” campaign which won a prestigious D&AD black pencil and the outdoor Grand Prix at Cannes. Some other advertising clients include: KIA, Chevron, Allstate, HBO, Coca-Cola, AT&T, Mercedes, DreamWorks, Southwest Airlines, GE and Johnnie Walker.
Lighting set up
Starred contact sheet for both shoots
Best 3 shots taken forward for editing 
Record any edits 1-3x screenshots
Edited photo
Final best image
Martin Schoeller

Martin Schoeller
